Copyright 2012 Computer Dynamics - Freeport, IL

Goals, Objectives, Purpose and Features

Our goal is to help Food and Nutrition Directors boost the image of their Nutrition Program and communicate all the great things you do. We provide the Food & Nutrition Department with an attractive, interactive, and user friendly website that will directly engage and benefit Students, Parents, Teachers, the District Administration and the Community.

The objective is to provide Directors with an innovative, current, and high quality approach to increasing participation by promoting the School Nutrition Program. We update content and features quarterly.

The purpose is to provide a comprehensive portal for Nutrition Directors to communicate and educate students on the benefits of Nutrition and Fitness. We believe that educating students and parents about learning to make their own smart food and fitness choices is the first step in fighting Childhood Obesity and the ailments associated with this nationwide epidemic.


Each SchoolNutritionAndFitness website features: